Here you’ll find REST API endpoints to create, update, delete, and interact with skills and agents.

REST API for Skills

Here is how to interact with skills using REST API endpoints:

  • GET /projects/<project_name>/skills - gets all skills created by the user (allow params to filter by agent)
  • GET /projects/<project_name>/skills/<skill_name> - gets a skill by name or ID
  • PUT /projects/<project_name>/skills/<skill_name> - updates skill with new params
  • POST /projects/<project_name>/skills - creates a new skill
  • DELETE /projects/<project_name>/skills/<skills> - deletes a skill by name or ID

REST API for Agents

Here is how to interact with agents using REST API endpoints:

  • GET /projects/<project_name>/agents - gets all agents created by the user
  • GET /projects/<project_name>/agents/<agent> - gets an agent by name or ID
  • PUT /projects/<project_name>/agents/<agent_name> updates agent with new settings
  • POST /projects/<project_name>/agents - creates a new agent
  • DELETE /projects/<project_name>/agent/<agent_name> - deletes an agent by name or ID