This is the implementation of the Databend data handler for MindsDB.

Databend is a modern cloud data warehouse that empowers your object storage for real-time analytics.


This handler is implemented by extending the ClickHouse handler.

The required arguments to establish a connection are as follows:

  • protocol is the protocol to query Databend. Supported values include native, http, https. It defaults to native if not provided.
  • host is the host name or IP address of the Databend warehouse.
  • port is the TCP/IP port of the Databend warehouse.
  • user is the username used to authenticate with the Databend warehouse.
  • password is the password to authenticate the user with the Databend warehouse.
  • database is the database name to use when connecting with the Databend warehouse.

If you installed MindsDB locally via pip, you need to install all handler dependencies manually. To do so, go to the handler’s folder (mindsdb/integrations/handlers/databend_handler) and run this command: pip install -r requirements.txt.


In order to make use of this handler and connect to the Databend database in MindsDB, the following syntax can be used:

CREATE DATABASE databend_datasource
    engine = 'databend',
    parameters = {
        "protocol": "https",
        "user": "root",
        "port": 443,
        "password": "password",
        "host": "",
        "database": "test_db"

You can use this established connection to query your table as follows:

FROM databend_datasource.example_tbl;